Text Styles
The HTML 4.0 standard offers numerous ways to provide typographic subtlety within Web pages. These include typeface, color, emphasis, and size control. These styles might draw the eye to important points, provide contrast between primary and secondary ideas, or add context cues.

Text styles allow Web page authors to design flexible typography for their pages. Whether the author is looking for casual or formal presentations, or loose or tight style specifications, HTML tags permit a wide range of text expression including whimsy. For example,

Send MonEy or The cAt Dies

Note: There is a lot of controversy over using the <FONT> tag when creating Web pages. There are many things to keep in mind. The article "What's Wrong With Font?" found on the Web at www.mcsr.olemiss.edu/%7Emudws/font.html puts using the <FONT> tag and its attributes into perspective. In addition to the restrictions to using the <FONT> tag, it has been depreciated in the current HTML 4.0 version.
Font Styles
The font tag controls text style. The text can be controlled by the <FONT> and </FONT> tags. These tags are containers and must surround the text affected. Three attributes, SIZE, FACE, and COLOR, specify how the text is presented. For example:
The font tag controls text styles.
<FONT SIZE=-3>This text is very small.</FONT> while
<FONT SIZE=+2>this text is quite big.</FONT>
<FONT FACE="Courier">This text is in the Courier font face</FONT> and
<FONT COLOR="BLUE">this text displays in blue.</FONT>
produces this formatted text:

The font tag controls text styles. This text is very small while this text is quite big. This text is in the Courier font face and this text displays in blue.

Text size varies between one and seven. Size one is very small. Size seven is very large. You can set the standard font size in your Web page with the basefont tag. Place this tag near the top of your HTML documents before the text of your Web page.

Note: It is not necessary to use the <BASEFONT SIZE=4> tag. If the <BASEFONT SIZE=4> tag is not used, the Web browser will default to the text setting in the user's browser.

The most common type size for Web pages is three: <BASEFONT SIZE=3>, the default size for most Web browsers. Human studies show that a slightly larger font reduces information density and provides a more readable document. There are few things harder to read than a densely written small-type Web page.

The size attribute is relative. The SIZE attribute is often prefixed with a plus or minus sign. This value relates to the basefont. For example, SIZE=-2 requests a font size two steps smaller than the basefont.

This is written in a font one size larger than the basefont. <P>
This is written in the default-sized font. <P>
This is written in a font one size smaller.

produces this formatted text:

This is written in a font one size larger than the basefont.

This is written in the default-sized font.

This is written in a font one size smaller.

The face attribute sets the typeface. Although you can set the typeface to any valid face on your computer, in practical use there are but two faces more or less guaranteed to exist on every machine which accesses your pages. These two are "Courier", a fixed-width typewriter style font; and "Times", the standard serif-faced proportional font.

<FONT FACE="Courier">This is the Courier Font</FONT><P>
<FONT FACE="Times">This is the Times Font</FONT>

produces this formatted text:

This is the Courier Font

This is the Times Font

Specify alternate font faces by adding comma-separated font names. In this tag, <FONT FACE="Helvetica,Lucida Sans,Arial">, Lucida Sans is selected when Helvetica is not available and Arial when both Helvetica and Lucida Sans are not supported. When no matching font can be found or, in the case of certain PC-based Netscape Navigator versions, when face attributes are not fully supported, the browser will display the default font.

Certain colors can be specified by name. The case-insensitive color names and their RGB values are as follows:

Color Name
Black #000000
Silver #C0C0C0
Gray #808080
Maroon #800000
Red #FF0000
Purple #800080
Fuchsia #FF00FF
Green #008000
Lime #00FF00
Olive #808000
Yellow #FFFF00
Navy #000080
Blue #0000FF
Teal #008080
Aqua #00FFFF
For example:

<FONT COLOR="RED">This is written in red.</FONT><P>
<FONT COLOR="GREEN">This is written in green.</FONT><P>
<FONT COLOR="BLUE">This is written in blue.</FONT>
produces this formatted text:

This is written in red.

This is written in green.

This is written in blue.

Exercise 2.1

In this exercise you will create paragraphs of text changing the font elements using the <FONT> tag and its attributes.

To change the font size, face and color:

  1. Create a new HTML document in your text editor by clicking File, New from the menu bar.
  2. Begin Typing:

    <TITLE>Lesson 2.1</TITLE>

    The text in this paragraph is size 1, font face Arial, and the color red.
    The text in this paragraph is size 2, font face Verdana, and the color blue.
    The text in this paragraph will default back to the basefont of size 5 that is pre-set at the beginning of this HTML document.


  3. Save and name the file L2.htm.
  4. Click the Reload or Refresh button in the Web browser to view the changes.

Format Styles

Bold, italic, and underline styles have special tags. These three styles, bold, italic and underline, date from HTML's inception. As a consequence, they have special opening and closing tags and are not (yet) combined into the font tag. The underline tag, by the way, was an standard "rogue" tag not well supported by many browsers. HTML 3.2 reintroduced it into the standard. These tags <B>, <I>, <U>, </B>, </I>, and </U> are used like this:
<B>This</B> is written in boldface while
<I>this</I> is written in italics and
<U>this</U> is underlined.
which produces this formatted text:

This is written in boldface while this is written in italics and this is underlined.

Boldface draws the eye to important points. Italics are often used for attributions and single-word emphasis. Underlines, traditionally a shorthand for italics, are used to bypass the harder-to-read italics and for book titles.

Note: The underline tag has been depreciated in the HTML 4.0 standard in favor of style sheets.

Exercise 2.2
In this exercise you will format text using the <B>, <I>, <U>, </B>, </I>, and </U> tags.

To format text using format tags:

  1. Position your cursor below the last entry on the L3.htm file.
  2. Begin Typing:

    Formatting text can emphasize on specific words to relate style or meaning.
    <B>This</B> is written in boldface while <I>this</I> is written in italics and <U>this</U> is underlined.

  3. Save the changes to L2.htm.
  4. Click the Reload or Refresh button in the Web browser to view the changes.

  • Use the font tag to set text size, face, and color.
  • Set the default font size with the basefont tag before your document text begins. The font size may vary between one (small) and seven (large).
  • Use relative sizes, such as +2 or -1, in the font size attribute.
  • Select Courier or Times for your font face attribute.
  • Set the font color attribute with color names.
  • Bold, italic, and underline attributes cannot be set with the font tag.

    Test Yourself

1. Which of the following lines will display a different result than the others?

    This is a line.<P>
    <FONT SIZE=+4>This is a line.<P>
    <FONT SIZE=+0>This is a line.<P>
    <FONT SIZE=4>This is a line.<P>
2. If you use the font face Albertus in your HTML document, what might happen:
  • If the font is available on your machine?
  • If the font is available on your reader's machine?
  • If the font is not available on your machine?
  • If the font is not available on your reader's machine?
3. Predict how the following HTML would display:

    We are such stuff<FONT COLOR="BLUE" SIZE=2>
    as dreams are made on
    and our <FONT COLOR="RED">little
    life is</FONT> rounded with</FONT>
    a sleep.

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